Honduras Trip

I traveled to Honduras on March 25 for 2 weeks. I volunteered in the Light and Life Maternity Clinic in Santa Barbara, San Luis. The Clinic is a mission outreach of Evangelistic Faith Missions, a non-denominational mission work based in Bedford, Indiana.

You can find more information about Honduras by clicking here.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Almost all the Layettes are ready to go

I have 14 layettes so far, with a few more to come tomorrow. I'll need to finish packing tomorrow and then weigh the luggage to be sure that I am not over the 50# limit for each bag. Tara had a layette for a girl, with extra clothes and t-shirts.
Kaitlyn had her layette ready to go, for either a girl or boy.

Austin is hoping for a boy to get his layette. He worked extra around the house in order to earn money to buy the clothing.

Latina fell asleep before we could get her picture, but she had her layette packed. She also worked extra chores in order to earn the money for the baby items.

Linda with her layette.

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